"experience the world through an artist's eyes"
    "experience the world
    through an artist's eye"


To be a premier Plein Air

event attracting artists

from across the county

to paint in beautiful

Hamilton Gardens



To establish a scholarship to be awarded annually to a student pursuing a degree in the Visual Arts at Young Harris College.


Inka, Inc.

Inka is proud to be the presenter for the Top

of Georgia Plein Air Festival at Hamilton Gardens creating a scholarship to be awarded annually to a student pursuing a degree in the Visual Arts.

Inka, Inc .was started in 2020 during the COVID pandemic. Two friends, Karin and Inge, felt compelled to help the children

of Towns County, GA and Clay County, NC. These children were dependent on their schools for clothing and food and with

the closing of schools due to the pandemic, those resources were no longer available.

Karin and Inge used their knowledge and experience of design to create decorative garden objects sourced from thrift stores

and recycled items. These art pieces were

sold in local stores, at yard sales and privately to fund clothing and food purchases and distributed to those in need. Inka originally worked closely with CASA, REACH, SAFE

and Family Connections. 

Inka has expanded its reach since inception and has evolved to stay current serving populations with medical needs as well as hospice patient care.


Inka is a 501(c)3 non profit,

all donations are tax deductible


The first Top of Georgia

Plein Air Festival (TOGPAF)

was held in 2023 at

Hamilton Gardens at the Georgia Mountain Fairgounds. Our desire is to promote fine art in a way that brings recognition to the North Georgia Region. We want

to be socially responsible,

give back and help others.

The success of TOGPAF

enables us to make a difference.

TOGPAF is under auspices of Inka, Inc. a 501c3 non profit. 

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