David Collins
I paint as often as possible, trying to but never catching up for lost time or opportunity. Every day is a journey.
I started painting in 2005 and painted 20 to 30 paintings during the next four years. It was then, that I started calling myself an artist. Call it audacious, egotistical arrogant or just stupid but In 2010 having no art education or training and having painted only twenty or thirty paintings I decided I could teach other people to paint and opened “Paint Along Studios”. I don’t know whether I taught anyone else to paint, but I taught myself to paint. I contracted poliu as a child. I was unable to participate in sports and other physical activity so I passed time drawing, coloring, constructing and painting with water colors.
I painted a little in High School and still occasionally said, “When I grow up I’m going to be an artist”. I guess I’ve grown up.